
Unlocking the Hidden C-Suite Superpower: People Analytics

Redthread Research Report

Why the C-Suite Must Include People Analytics in Business Strategy

In 2020, the upheaval of a global pandemic pushed HR to find solutions for unprecedented, chaotic circumstances. Businesses’ survival depended on the ability to act swiftly on work, workplace, and workforce issues. To meet the ongoing challenges of a rapidly-evolving world of work, there was a hidden superpower lying dormant for all C-Suite leaders: people analytics.

People analytics’ role was key in enabling the CHRO to provide value and gain trust as a business-strategy partner to the C-Suite, while helping to drive financial impact across the business. In a post-pandemic world, people analytics will continue to drive value—if the executives get on board.

Download this research report to learn how major corporations applied people analytics to successfully address critical business issues—while also driving value for their employees.

What you’ll learn:

  • How tackling strategic people-related business problems can deliver significant insights that make a big financial impact
  • How C-Suite leaders can empower HR to drive data-informed business transformation
  • What the C-Suite can do to get the most out of their people data